Persimmon Festival Committee Chairpersons:

Co-Chair – Bryan Fountain
77th General Chairperson – Aimee Phillips
Co-Chair – Katie Houchin

Each year brings a new chairperson who oversees the festival. That chairperson will have two co-chairs, one of which will step up to take place the following year.
This cycle has continued for years, ensuring that new and fresh ideas are brought to the table to keep the Mitchell Persimmon Festival up and going!

Below you will find this year’s chairperson, the co-chairs, and a list of the committee chairpersons. Everyone below is a person
who has agreed to volunteer their time to make sure that the festival runs smoothly.


Aimee Carlisle Phillips

Aimee Carlisle Phillips is the 77th Mitchell Persimmon Festival chairperson. She is a member of Mitchell First Baptist, Tri Kappa Sorority.
She is married to Brian Phillips.

Contact: 812-545-1309

Co-ChairpersonBryan Fountain812-583-1292
Co-ChairpersonKatie Houchin812-278-0200
TreasurerDon Caudell II.812-797-9550
Antique TractorMatt Roll812-276-3637
Arm Band SalesJan Dalton  812-849-4142
Arts, Crafts and Photo ContestSusie Cessna
Barbara Wigley
Art ExhibitsW.David Fields812-278-4723
Baby ContestAngela Edwards812-583-2941
Business Expo and Persimmon ShoppeCharity Russell812-797-1172
Community Yard Sale Chamber Office 812-849-4441
Cruise In Corey Pace812-508-9465
Emergency Equipment ShowTyler Duncan 812-583-6770
Festival PhotographerSarah Adams812-797-0763
Little, Mini, Jr. Miss PageantHolly Tanksley812-865-0096
Motorcycle Show  Rob Stephens 812-797-4876
Parade Vicky Schlegel
Toya Lamm
Persimmon Dessert & NoveltyCourtney George McFadden812-521-2849
Persimmon 5K Walk/Run Sally Miller812-508-4073
Persimmon Idol WBIW/WQRK/Litefm812-275-7555
Persimmon Market Lori Hall812-675-9610
Quilt ShowDee Brinkworth812-675-7419
Queen PageantJodi Mundy
Dialevash LeRoy
Road RallyAshley and Mike Teague812-797-8788
Senior DayTrudy Wells 812-849-4457
Ticket BoothChamber Office 812-849-4441
Vesper ServiceDaniel Lee812-788-1461
Float PreparationBecky Mason 812-797-4491

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